How does one keep himself occupied and focused when they have a broken collarbone?
A. With lots of things! The main thing being rest.
I have made napping a serious priority and honestly, I think its working. I am now able to do sit-ups, type with both hands, leg lifts, lunges and step-ups all without pain. The mobility is slowly returning to my left arm and pain is essentially non-existent when my shoulder is supported. I am ITCHING to get onto a bike again so I really want this process to be as fast as possible. Your body only does so much while you are awake in the means of repairing itself so I figure if I'm sleeping, it will take care of itself.
I have also taken this opportunity to refine my one armed cooking skills which will very much come in handy...never. Some interesting recipes have been attempted though. Being in this sort of "regenerative" state just puts more focus on what you put into your body. Because I am not out burning calories on my bike for the time being, I am putting tons of effort into reducing the un-necessaries...things like sugar and fat. Not to say that I'm cutting these things out entirely..just cutting back. Your body sleeps much better if you don't deprive it of what it needs and I gotta say, the 12 hours I got last night made me wake up feeling fantastic.
Putting a focus on rest does not really give me a get out of jail free card when it comes to staying fit. I have made a daily routine that involves step-ups and leg lifts that I am doing to exhaustion twice a day. On top of that this morning I was able to do sit-ups comfortably so theres one more thing to add to the daily list. I have also been walking a lot. Running is still a bit jarring to do for any substantial period of time so just to burn a few calories I went for a 12k walk/hike from my door two days ago and then walked another 8 k the other day too. Not much but gets me outside.
When I first broke my collar bone and was seeing my orthopaedic surgeon the following day, I took a walk around a mall that was close to his office. On my little expedition I bought a copy of "the comeback 2.0," that Lance book. It was on sale and I thought it would give me a little bit of motivation as he also broke his collarbone, and during an even worse time of the season. I'm pretty sure you can get it through The Trek Store Toronto and it's pretty cool. Lots of pretty pictures.
As a bonus, we have actually been getting a decent amount of rain here in Tucson overnight for the past few days and it's just making everything here seem more tropical. All the palm trees are getting much greener and the temperature is beautiful. It even snowed a bunch on Mt. Lemmon two nights ago. It's bizarre seeing snow next to palm trees but it's nice none the less.
Time to go check on the kidney and black beans I have soaking, then more workout. I spent the morning trading nutrition tips with my vegan cousin who is training for her first triathlon. Go Jaime! Passed me on a delicious sounding black bean and quinoa recipe so I will have to try that out tonight.
see you guys soon.
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